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Knowledge base

What are the addresses of the Beaming mail servers?

Beaming’s incoming and outgoing mail server addresses are: Incoming Mail Server (POP3) = Outgoing...


The cost of cyber security breaches: British businesses lost almost £30 billion in 2016

New survey indicates 3 million British businesses were compromised by cyberattacks last year Computer viruses...


Cyber report 2016: UK businesses targeted 230,000 times each by cybercriminals.

UK businesses were, on average, subjected to almost 230,000 cyber attacks in 2016. The volume...

Knowledge base

Which web content filtering system is right for your school?

Knowledge base

How to set up ASDM on a Cisco ASA

Set up ASDM on a Cisco ASA Cisco ASA devices allow for configuration to be...

Knowledge base

Spot & Stop Phishing and Suspicious Email

How to spot a phishing attempt in a suspicious email Phishing is an attempt to scam...

Knowledge base

What is smishing?

Smishing – or SMS phishing – is a term for malicious text messages sent by...

Knowledge base

I’m unable to share SharePoint links with external users


Beaming launches ProtectNet to the security sector

Protecting data that is transferred over the internet for applications such as access control and...


5-Step guide to reviewing your cloud costs

Knowledge base

What is 2 factor authentication?

It can be a cause of frustration, but 2 step verification is increasingly becoming the...


UK businesses are attacked online once every 2.5 minutes

Businesses are subjected to 52,596 cyber attacks each in the last three months Attempts to...


Cyber threat report 2017: Attacks on UK businesses increase to 231,028 each

Attacks on British businesses surge in final quarter to surpass 2016 levels UK businesses were...

Knowledge base

Secure your data with the right password

Your online passwords are there to protect you and keep your data secure. Your password...

Knowledge base

Office 365 Nonprofit & charity licensing

Office 365 nonprofit and charity licensing: Microsoft allows charity businesses to use their Office 365...


Guide to choosing a broadband provider for your small business

Even if you don’t consider yourself an online company, the chances are you will still...