What can I do about poor call quality on my VoIP phone system?

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What can I do about poor call quality on my VoIP phone system?

Posted on 25 January 2022 by Beaming Support

If you’re struggling with your phone system either because of lags in hearing each other talk, or poor audio quality, this is most likely due to jitter. A small amount of jitter is inevitable but will usually be undetectable to the user. Large amounts of jitter will lower call quality which can be an issue for those that rely heavily on their phone systems.

What is Jitter?

During a VoIP call, information is relayed by data packets at regular intervals. The time between data packets leaving the source and arriving at their destination is called ‘Latency’. The Latency of packets being sent back and forth should be a consistent amount and any variation in time is known as jitter. E.g. if latency is consistently 10 milliseconds but then reaches 12 milliseconds it would have a jitter of 2 milliseconds. If Jitter exceeds 30 milliseconds it causes a noticeable drop in call quality.

How can I reduce jitter on my phone system?

If you find that you are regularly experiencing jitter on calls, the first step would be to speak to your VoIP provider to identify the source of the problem. The issue is likely with the network or connectivity the system is using, but here are three things we recommend you check.

  1. Wired vs WiFi connection

When using a VoIP system, we recommend a wired internet connection more consistent speed and reliability. A wireless connection can be impacted by interference and also the distance between the handset and router. If a wired connection is not an option, it may help to move your handset closer to the router or use a Wi-Fi booster to boost the range of the signal.

  1. Bandwidth

Jitter can also be caused by network crowding. If your VoIP system is not scaled correctly for the bandwidth of your network, you may find at certain times the number of devices or applications also on your network exceeds what your connectivity is capable of supporting, which will result in poor call quality. We recommend a separate broadband connection for your VOIP phone system, so that calls cannot be disturbed by other network traffic. Or, if you have a dedicated fibre leased line, we recommend configuring your router to prioritise voice traffic to ensure you always have the best quality calls.

  1. Hardware

If your internet connection is found to not be the issue, it may be down to system hardware. Ensure that all of your hardware is updated, in good condition and configured correctly. You may need to speak to your provider to check the necessary configuration.


If you have exhausted these solutions and are still unsatisfied with your call quality it may be time to evaluate whether your existing solution is meeting your needs. Upgrading your system can be a huge boost to your business and less disruptive than you may think.

Time for an upgrade?

If you’re planning to upgrade your VoIP system, get in touch and one of our friendly team will contact you to see how we can help with secure, flexible communications.

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