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The Internet and Education

I was taught coding at school and I welcome its introduction once more into the school curriculum.

The internet and education increasingly seem to go hand-in-hand, and teaching through play is a method successfully used in primary schools, which has now extended to the online world as well, with programmes such as Kodu Game Lab. It is a fantastic way to begin educating children about technology.

The internet provides students and teachers alike with tools and information which can only enhance their knowledge. Children’s reading ability is supported by many apps, online revision tools help teenagers going through exams and Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) support students in further education. The Internet is without doubt having a huge impact on education globally, though the jury is still out as to whether massive open online courses (MOOC) have lived up to their promise.

The advantages of the web are many and technology keeps improving, delivering open access to education way beyond that of ten years ago, let alone the decade before that – when you still had to set a video recorder to record in the early hours to access the Open University programmes. Parents take pride in the fact that children take to the use of personal devices like ducks to water and as they get older, these same children can navigate the online world and its various applications with such ease.

Some things do not change though. Knowledge has always had a duality – it can be used for good and bad – and the Internet by its very nature does not police this, and as a repository of the world’s knowledge, it in fact has the same quality. Throughout ages, parents and teachers were there to guide the young in their education and this role has not changed with the arrival of the Internet. By all means be impressed with the way in which the young embrace the online world, but keeping up with technology should also be a parental obligation. Those who educate children need to provide guidelines for going online to ensure that the Internet is used to enhance their lives – an Internet Code as it were.

Beaming’s Better Connected Schools e-book explores the ways in which technology can be used to enhance students’ learning experience, and lays out the safety and security measures that need to go alongside new developments in the field of education technology.

  • Education
  • Leased Lines
  • Digital Transformation

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