Summer 2024 was worst period ever for commercial attacks

Cyber Reports

Cyber Threat Report Q3 2024

UK businesses encountered 2,192 online cyberattacks a day, on average, one every 39 seconds

The volume of cyberattacks encountered by businesses in the UK reached a new record high in the summer of 2024.

Beaming’s analysis reveals that businesses experienced 201,687 separate attempts to breach their firewalls each, on average, between July and September – the equivalent of 2,192 a day, or one every 39 seconds. This was 10 per cent more online cyberattacks than in the preceding three-month period.

Previously, the worst period for cyberattacks was the final quarter of 2023, when companies experienced 2,114 online attacks per day each, on average.

Sonia Blizzard, Managing Director of Beaming, said: “Hackers didn’t go on holiday this summer. Instead, they launched more cyberattacks than ever, seeking every potential vulnerability in companies’ defences. Most cyberattacks are automated and not targeted towards specific companies, but the reality is that each organisation with an internet connection will have encountered a new cyberattack every 39 seconds over the summer, and it only takes one human error or cybersecurity lapse to let them in.”

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Cybercrime report front page on laptop

Discover the number of UK businesses that fell prey to cybercrime and the average cost in 2023

Cyberattacks on UK Businesses by QuarterBeaming identified 223,426 unique IP addresses involved in launching online cyberattacks during the summer and a fifth (21 per cent) to locations in China. Significant levels of cyberattack activity also appeared to originate in the USA (eight per cent of attacking IP addresses) and India (seven per cent).

Remotely controlled devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT), company databases and remote desktops were the most frequently targeted applications by cyberattacks during the third quarter of 2024.

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